Showing posts with label Web Deign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Deign. Show all posts

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Php Miniproject

Write php code in the notepad then drive your sarvar
//counter of
$filecount = "counter.dat";
if(!file_exists($filecount)){echo"The counter database $filecount couldn't be found."; exit;}
$fp = fopen ("$filecount", "rb");
              $total= fread($fp,1024);
if($total == ''){$total="1";}
else{$total += 1;}
$fp2 = fopen ("$filecount", "w");
fwrite($fp2, $total);
echo ' '. $total;

Html Chart code

<html> Html start and stoped </html>
<h1> Headding tag start and finish </h1>
<title> Title Tag Start and finish </title>
<body> Content tag start and stop </body>
<font> Font tag Start and stoped </font>
<p> Paragraph tag start and finish </p>
<br/> line breack
<li> List tag written </li>
<ol>  Order list </oi>
<ul> Unorder List </ul>
<h1> The largest headding tag and <h6> the smallest headding tag </h6>
<b> Bold Tag </b>
<i> Italic font tag </i>
<u> Underline font tag </u>
<address> Address tag </adress>
<big> large font than normal font </big>
<small> small font than normal font </small>
<strong> Strong font </strong>
<head> head tag </head>
<table> Table makeing tag </table>
<tr> Table row tag </tr>
<td> Table cell tag </td>

Programming learnning best website list

 Programming Language  Website List  Ebook list
javascriptCode Academy, Learn Street, Khan Academy, Code Combat, Code AvengersEloquent JavaScript, JavaScript Guide, Speaking JavaScript, JS The Right Way, Oh My JS
Html and CssCode Academy, Don’t Fear The Internet, Tutsplus, Learn Layout, A to Z CSS, Dash, Web Accessibility, The Hello WorldMozilla, Dive into HTML5, 20 Things I Learned, HTML Dog, HTML & CSS, HTML5 for Designers, DOM Enlightenment
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phython Code Academy, Google, Learn Street, Python Tutor, IHeartPYPython for You and Me,  Dive into Python, Learn Python the Hard Way, Think Python, Python for Fun, Tango with Django, Django
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phpCode AcademyPHP Programming, Practical PHP
Google aps scriptGetting Started, Office Hours, Google Scripts Examples, Learning Apps Script
wordpressTreehouse, WordPress TV
linux and, Explain ShellConquer the Command Line

i os and mack Code School, Stanford, iTunesU
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datavisulaginData Visualization for the Web, Dashing D3, D3 Tips & Tricks

Download Css Bangla Pdf

Css is most importent of webdesign.Css design make done the work akroshonio.
Css 3 Bangla Ebook Download


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Css bangla book

CSS bangle book has been published both in Bangladesh and Kolkata. This is latest version of CSS3 with all updates. Cascading style sheet is used to design attractive website which is very demanding in freelancing and outsourcing. Without CSS it is not possible to design attractive website and template of web. This book is written by Bookbd (Professionals) using their real life experience.

xml bangla book

Download Bangla XML Book from Bangla books pdf. XML is used for bearing data. It is also very important to learn XML. To learn XML
Xml bangla book download

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Wordpress Bangla book

Reading Books is an Excellent Habit. To Speak The Truth, There is no alternative to it. If any One Wants To Know The Unkown he Must Have To Read Books. Many a Person Cannot Realize The Unknown Yet Many People Cannot Realize The Importance of Reading Books. Now-a-Days Even Students Do Not Show Adequate Interest In Books. Hello Booking Lovers Do You Know? Wordpress Bangla Tutorial Book. If you Reading This Wordpress Bangla Tutorial Book Wordpress Website Very Easy I am Reading Now This Wordpress Bangla Tutorial Bangla Very Interesting Book. Please Everybody Read this Book.
Wordpress book download

Book Information 
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This Book Name :- ( Wordpress )
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Bangla Java Script E Book

Java Script for professional web developer

You will be very happy to know that Bookbd series has been published Bangla Java Script ebook. This book is written by professionals with their working experience. You can read BookBD Series book to get professional knowledge.
Java script is the powerful scripting language and it is used with HTML. It is directly embedded in HTML web pages. To make interactive website we need java script. Using java script you can create dynamic HTML content and interactive client side web based application. It is also programming language with logic and syntax similar to C, C++ and Java. Most of the HTML pages are using Java Script communicate with server, add functionality, validate input and etc. It is run in the client computer.

Few features of Java Script Book
Introduction to Java Script
Java Script Environment
HTML Basic
Basic Java Script
Java Script Variables
Java Script Operators and Expression
Break, Continue, String and Concatenation
Java Script Function
Java Script Date Function
Java Script Event
Java Script form Object
Java Script Cookie
Java Script Window Object
Ten Java Script Projects

Html bangla book

Are you trying to learn HTML from Bangladeh. It is a hard work for you to learn in English if you are a newbie. So a bangla tutorial /ebook will be best for you to learn HTML in an efficient way.
I am happy to announce a new eBook ‘HTML Bangla Ebook‘ on HTML from the old guy Mohammad Abdullah Al Faruk. We have also discussed about another ebook from this man in past. I recognized this one is the best with World Class standard.

Features of HTML Bangla book


Php my sql Bangla book download

PHP is open source scripting language to develop dynamic website and web application. MYSQL is also open source data base system. This is book is written by professional PHP expert. It is step by step easy way to learn PHP MYSQL in Bangla. To make carrier in Freelancing and outsourcing learn PHP MYSQL. Many real life project in this book| This is best seller Bangla programming book.
Bangla php mysql book download
