<html> Html start and stoped </html>
<h1> Headding tag start and finish </h1>
<title> Title Tag Start and finish </title>
<body> Content tag start and stop </body>
<font> Font tag Start and stoped </font>
<p> Paragraph tag start and finish </p>
<br/> line breack
<li> List tag written </li>
<ol> Order list </oi>
<ul> Unorder List </ul>
<h1> The largest headding tag and <h6> the smallest headding tag </h6>
<b> Bold Tag </b>
<i> Italic font tag </i>
<u> Underline font tag </u>
<address> Address tag </adress>
<big> large font than normal font </big>
<small> small font than normal font </small>
<strong> Strong font </strong>
<head> head tag </head>
<table> Table makeing tag </table>
<tr> Table row tag </tr>
<td> Table cell tag </td>