Java Script for professional web developer
You will be very happy to know that Bookbd series has been published
Bangla Java Script ebook. This book is written by professionals with
their working experience. You can read BookBD Series book to get
professional knowledge.
Java script is the powerful scripting language and it is used with
HTML. It is directly embedded in HTML web pages. To make interactive
website we need java script. Using java script you can create dynamic
HTML content and interactive client side web based application. It is
also programming language with logic and syntax similar to C, C++ and
Java. Most of the HTML pages are using Java Script communicate with
server, add functionality, validate input and etc. It is run in the
client computer.
Few features of Java Script Book
Introduction to Java Script
Java Script Environment
HTML Basic
Basic Java Script
Java Script Variables
Java Script Operators and Expression
Break, Continue, String and Concatenation
Java Script Function
Java Script Date Function
Java Script Event
Java Script form Object
Java Script Cookie
Java Script Window Object
Ten Java Script Projects